Monday, May 08, 2006

prophet muhammad

Prophet Muhammad was born Mecca about 570 A.D. his father before his birth and his mother Aminah died when she was still a child. He bought by his grandfather and after his death was bought by his uncle Abdul Talib.

As a young man, Muhammad started his life traveling with trading caranavas.

He joined the service of Khadiji, a rich widow, as a camel boy. He served her so well that she married him. At the time of the marriage Muhammad was 25 and Khadiji 40. Muhammad always spoke about his wife with reverence and after her death kept her memory alive. His marriage rendered him financially independent and so he had more leisure.

He began to spend time in meditation and solitude.

During his travels, Muhammad came in contact with Jewish and Christian missionaries and heard his religious discourses. He became critical of idol worship. He also began to think of there being a single Universal God .

An important point to remember is that Muhammad made no claim to divinity nor performed any miracles to impress his followers. For a proper understanding of Islam, it is essential to study the life of the Prophet who was born of human parents and lived a full life in every sense of the word


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