Friday, January 27, 2006

Ancient indian fabrics

Ancient Indian fabrics fulled riots, caused epidemics and were often banned in eurpoe.

60 AD, Rome: a trader from jedda has just arrived. he arranges his wartes at the bustling port –side market. but before he settles down for the day’s trade,he casts furtive glances around.satisfied,he unfurls his booty with a swish.their’s an errie hush .
the port empties,the skirt-ruffling ladies in all their fineries surround him, the sailors of the docked ships jump upon the timid trader. And in no time,his stall becomes a heated barter zone.

People shower him with coins, gold, silver and even a few horses. With promises of arms and ammunitions.

Suddenly, a clank of arms and hooves. Soldiers,They approach the trader, shoo away his heart broken buyers and read out a sermon of emperor tiberious: the woven air has been banned in Rome.
The arab trader is arrested and led away,his wares are confiscated. The women start howling,throwing themselves at the soldgers. They’ll do any thing to free the young Arab and his stock of Indian muslin.
The fine culprit from eastern India, specially the port city of Dhaka,had been draining the Roman coffers by almost 50 million sesters (trading bullion) annually an creating such economical ruin in the mighty empire that its.


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