Sunday, January 29, 2006


Kalachakra in Sanskrit means “the wheel of time” and involves control over the forces the regulate the cyclical pattern of creation, existence and destruction of human life.
Through the practice of kalachakra, a yogi overcomes the fear of death and disintegration as something temporary.

Espousing the power of time, the doctrine of kalachakra pro-claims that “ all being arise in time, time continually consumers them , time is the lord who posses the vajra, whose nature is that of day and right.”]

During the actual initiation ceremony, the dalai lama constructs the kalachakra mandala made of coured sand , stones, jewel, flowers, or dyed rice. A total of 722 deities are included in construction of the mandala.this has unbelievable spiritual energy as each grain of sand becomes charged during the initiation ceremony.
The kalachakra also aims at bringing mankind together and frees each soul from the burden of pain and suffering.

History will repeat itself,it was here that more than 2,500 years ago, lord Buddha gave the first invitation of kalachakra. It was at Amaravati, a small town on the bank of river Krishna , that the first king of sambala, king suchandra , requested lord Buddha to eighteen his dispels and unravel the secret tantra of kalachakra.

Amaravati was known as Dhanyakatra then. On full moon day, by the stupa of Dhanyakatra, lord Buddha initiated his disciples, to kalachakra--- the most intense and powerful of all tantras. The teaching of kalachakra remained with royal family of shambla and later spread to India and Tibet. The event has a special meaning because it will also coincide with the 2,550th anniversary of the passing away of lord Buddha.


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